My name is Cori . Thank you so much for stopping by. I already know you’re awesome because you are taking the time to find out more about me as a person.
About me.. hah well this feels weird to talk about myself but hey, let’s do it!!
Who am I?
I am a wife to an amazing husband and mother to two wild little boys! They are my world and I am lucky God has blessed me with them every day.
What do I like?
I love the outdoors! If I am not shooting a wedding on the weekend you can find me at our cabin in the Sierras. I have been going there for over 25 years. There is no social media or internet in general… Just the beauty of the Forest, Mountains and sounds of the creeks to entertain you. It somehow gives me so much peace to see the world this way. We live in a big hustle and bustle world and stepping outside of that to see the beauty in the earth is just something that constantly inspires my soul and creativity. Other things I like.. I am a believer in God and follower of Jesus. It can be easy to forget about God and all he does for us each day because of the world we live in. I strive daily to remember that gift and to be the best person I can be. Honest, kind, hard working, compassionate and caring are things I try to model in my life and business.
Before photography I lived on a small Caribbean island called Roatan for 4 years. I met my husband who is from Panama out there. We fell quick in love and knew right away it was meant to be. We traded in our day jobs and became scuba diving instructors. Spent our days roaming the bottom of the ocean. It was beyond an amazing experience. Seeing the gorgeous views and underwater creatures each day I wanted to capture it and remember this time in our lives forever. I began teaching myself the depths of exposure, aperture and photography. Every chance I could I studied and took workshops until I knew it like the back of my hand. Once I felt I had enough experience I knew I wanted to do this for life. Capture the best moments so people could relive them over and over just felt right. We decided to pack up our bags and move back to California to start our family and my business. The week I got back I took on my first client and haven’t looked back! It’s been 10 years now and I am loving it.